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The European Fisheries Technology Platform (EFTP) celebrated its General Assembly the 24th November. Click here to read the conclusions

The last 15th of March, a delegation of EFTPs’ (European Fisheries Technology Platform) Board of Directors met with the European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ms. Maria Damanaki. The aim of the meeting was to make the EFTP available for the Commissioner and for DG Mare and to show the progress achieved in this organization.


First General Assembly of the European Fisheries Technology Platform

24th November 2010





Javier Garat has unanimously been elected President for a mandate of two years by the members who have also adopted the terms of reference of the Platform. At its 1st General Assembly organised in Brussels, the European Fisheries Technological Platform  has elected the members of its Board of Directors composed of representatives of the different links of the fisheries chain, including Europêche in particular, as well as representatives of the academic world.

The first file on which the Platform will focus is the implementation of an ambitious project aiming at improving the transfer of technologies and know-how, the optimisation of the existing resources and the creation of synergies between the different links of the fisheries chain, in order to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the enterprises and to contribute efficiently to the development of the fisheries management policies in Europe. The idea is also to render more accessible the results of the scientific research to policy-makers and to the actors of the market.

The main ideas expressed on the meeting were:

- The EFTP should open cooperation patches among the EU Fisheries industry composed mainly by SMEs.

- The EFTP should focus on putting together the research already made with the fisheries industry that can take advantage of it.

- It is a good opportunity for the platform to involve all the fisheries value chain, from catch to consumer.












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